WSO2 API Manager & Keycloak SSO
A Guide: Configure OIDC SSO Flow Between WSO2 API Manager & Keycloak

In this medium, I will be 🚶 walking through on how to configure OpenID Connect SSO flow between WSO2 API Manager and Keycloak including JIT (User) Provisioning.
I will be using WSO2 API Manager 2.6 along with Identity Server as Key Manager 5.7 to instruct and configure the SSO flow with Keycloak
I have broken the guide into 3 tiers and we will be going through them as follows …
- Keycloak Configurations
- WSO2 IS-KM Configurations
- WSO2 API Manager Configurations
Keycloak 🔑
Let’s start our journey by downloading and configuring the Keycloak server in our local environments.
🚧 Downloading & Starting-Up the Keycloak
You can click on Here to download the Standalone Keycloak server distribution to your environment. If you already have a Keycloak server up and running you can ignore these steps and move on to the creation of realms.
Extract the archive and execute the following command from the bin directory to start the Keycloak server
# move to bin directory and execute the following# unix
sh windows
After a successful server start, fire-up your favorite browser and go to http://localhost:8080/auth
and register an Admin User for our Keycloak Server.
👉 You can follow up on the following Doc to get started with the Keycloak server …
OpenIDConnect Endpoint URLs
After a successful log-in to the Keycloak server, you will be looking into a similar UI as follows

Click on the OpenID Endpoint Configuration to list all required Endpoint URLs and data to configure OpenID Connect in our Identity Providers.
Make a note of the Endpoint URLs and continue forward with the demo. We will be using these endpoint URLs to configure the Federated Authenticator in the WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager.
OIDC Client Registration
Next, we will be creating and registering an OIDC Client in the Keycloak server to represent our WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager.
We will be using the existing Master realm to create required Clients, Users, and Roles in the Keycloak server
Click on the Clients under Configure to list all the existing registered clients. You will see a similar screen as follows

Click on the Create button to add a new client. Set the following
- Client ID:
- Client Protocol:
and Save.

In the following prompted screen add the following to configure our wso2is-km
client in the Keycloak
The IS KM server is configured with the port offset of 1. Hence, the common-auth URLs are presented with
- Name:
- Enabled:
- Access Type:
- Standard Flow Enabled:
- Implicit Flow Enabled:
- Direct Access Grants Enabled:
- Root URL:
- Valid Redirect URIs:
- Admin URL:
and click on Save.

Next, go to the Credentials tab of our WSO2IS-KM
client in the Keycloak server and make a copy of the client-secret
value for later usage.
If you want you can regenerate the secret and make a copy of it to configure Keycloak IDP in the WSO2 IS KM server

After noting down the Secrets, click on the Roles tab to create a Subscriber Role.
We will be creating a Subscriber role in the
client to federate and give permissions to access the Store portal of WSO2 API Manager.
You will find a similar UI under the Roles tab

Click on Add Role to create a new Role and input the following …
- Role Name:
and Save

And finally, click on the Mappers tab, to configure a claim mapping to send and expose our created Roles through the OIDC SSO flow (incl. ID Token) and via the User Info endpoint.
You’ll find a similar UI under the Mappers section …

Select the Add Builtin, and enable the client roles
in the prompted screen and Save

Edit the Client Roles mapper with the following properties …
- Client ID:
- Multivalued:
- Token Claim Name:
- Claim JSON Type:
- Add to ID token:
- Add to access token:
- Add to userinfo:
and Save.

User Registration
As the first step, we are done configuring our WSO2 IS-KM Client in the Keycloak. Next, we will be creating a new User in the Keycloak server for our demo.
Select the Users under the Manage section in your Left Navigation Panel. You will find the created Admin user in the prompted screen

Click on Add User and prompt the following …
- Username:
- Email:
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- User Enabled:
- Email Verified:
and Save

Move to the Credentials tab our created user and enter a password. Disable the Temporary Password and click on Set Password to save.

Next, move to the Role Mappings tab to map the Subscriber (which we created earlier) with our User.
Select the WSO2IS-KM
client in the Client Roles dropdown and then it will list all the associated roles under the Available Roles section. Select the subscriber role and click on Add Selected to assign it …

And that’s all, we are done with the Keycloak initialization and configurations. 👏
🔐 WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager
We have successfully configured our Keycloak Server to send required claims and the roles to perform SSO and User Federation.
You can find Docs to configure WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager with API Manager. The IS-KM server will be running with a port offset of 1
💡 Bonus
You can use the Hydrogen CLI tool to configure both WSO2 API Manager & Identity Server as Key Manager within seconds
Registering an Identity Provider
Now we have to register an Identity Provider in the WSO2 IS KM to represent our Keycloak server. Let’s fire up the WSO2 IS-KM Server and log-in to the Carbon Management console.
Click on Add under the Identity Provider section to register an Identity Provider

Enter the Basic Informations
- Identity Provider Name:
- Display Name:
Keycloak Identity Provider
- Description:
Identity Provider for Keycloak
- Alias:

Expand the Claim Configurations to map User ID and Role claims with the associated claims exposed by the Keycloak server. Click on Define Custom Claim Dialect
and Add Claim Mapping to add custom claim mappings. Add the following …
Then, define the User ID Claim URI
as preferred_username
and the Role Claim URI
as roles

Next, expand the Role Configuration accordion to map our Keycloak’s Subscriber role with the Internal/subscriber role respectively in the WSO2 IS KM.
Click on Add Role Mapping and add the following

Expand the Federated Authenticators and OAuth2/OpenID Connect Configuration accordion to configure federated authentication with the Keycloak Server
Enter the following respective to the secrets and information retrieved from the WSO2IS-KM
client in the Keycloak
- Enable OAuth2/OpenIDConnect:
- Client ID:
(our client name in the Keycloak Server) - Client Secret: Paste the secret we acquired under credentials
- Authorization Endpoint URL: Authorization Endpoint URL collected from the OpenID Connect Endpoint Configuration
- Token Endpoint URL: Token Endpoint URL collected from the OpenID Connect Endpoint Configuration
- Callback URL:
- Userinfo Endpoint URL: Userinfo Endpoint URL collected from the OpenID Connect Endpoint Configuration

Finally, expand the Just-In-Time Provisioning accordion and select the Always Provision to User Store Domain
to PRIMARY and make it Provision silently.

and Save.
Given below is a full-snap of the KeycloakIDP configurations in the WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager 😍

Registering a Service Provider
Since we are focusing on configuring the SSO flow for the API Store portal of the API Manager server, we will be creating and registering a Service Provider in the WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager.
Log-in to the Carbon Management console of the WSO2 IS KM Server and click on the Add under the Service Provider section.
Enter the following in the initial screen
- Service Provider Name:
- Description:
A Service Provider for API Store
and click on Register

On the next screen, expand the Claim Configuration accordion and a custom claim mapping for the Display Name as follows

Then, expand the Inbound Authentication Configuration > OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration and register a provider. On the following screen input the following
The following callback URL is the OIDC ACS URL of the API Store
- Callback URL:
and Register

Copy and make a note of the generated Client ID and the Client Secret to configure the Store Site JSON in the API Manager server.
Expand the Local & Outbound Authentication Configuration and select the Federated Authentication as the KeycloakIDP we have registered earlier and click on Update to update the configuration of the Service Provider.

Given below is a full-snap of the API_STORE SP configuration in the WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager 😍😍

And we are done with the configurations on the WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager 😎🙂
WSO2 API Manager
Now we are in the last tier of our guide. In this section, we will be configuring the site.json of the Store node to initiate the SSO flow with the WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager and then to Federate the flow with the Keycloak server.
WSO2 API Manager is running on the same server with the default port offset of 0
API Store Site JSON
Open-up the WSO2 API Manager’s directory and move to <apim>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/store/site/conf
and open the site.json to edit and configure the required params.
Given below is a complete segment of the OIDC Configuration model in the site.json. You can refer to the following object to configure your site.json in your environment
Replace the
Client ID
andClient Secret
with the credentials acquired from theAPI_STORE
Service Provider
"oidcConfiguration": {
"enabled": "true",
"issuer": "API_STORE",
"identityProviderURI": "https://localhost:9444/oauth2/token",
"authorizationEndpointURI": "https://localhost:9444/oauth2/authorize",
"tokenEndpointURI": "https://localhost:9444/oauth2/token",
"userInfoURI": "https://localhost:9444/oauth2/userinfo",
"jwksURI": "https://localhost:9444/oauth2/jwks",
"logoutEndpointURI": "https://localhost:9444/oidc/logout",
"authHttpMethod": "POST",
"clientConfiguration": {
"clientId": "{{Client ID}}",
"clientSecret": "{{Client Secret}}",
"responseType": "code",
"authorizationType": "authorization_code",
"scope": "phone email address openid profile",
"redirectURI": "https://localhost:9443/store/jagg/jaggery_oidc_acs.jag",
"postLogoutRedirectURI": "https://localhost:9443/store/",
"clientAlgorithm": "RS256"
🎉 Voila!!! 🎉
We have successfully configured Single Sign-On with OpenID Connect between WSO2 API Manager and Keycloak. Next, we will be doing a small test drive…
👏 👌 👏
Test Drive
Direct to the Store portal using https://localhost:9443/store/
and click on Sign-In
You will be redirected to the Keycloak’s login page to perform SSO. Enter the credentials of our Keycloak User and then allow the attributes on the consent screen to continue with the federation and provision of the Keycloak users to the WSO2 IS KM and API Manager.
Login to the Carbon Management console of either the WSO2 API Manager or the WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager and list the Users.
If the Federation is successful and JIT Provisioned performed without any errors, then you will be able to see our Keycloak User in the prompted list.
Happy Stacking !!!! 🤘 ✌️